Medical studies and science
The beginning of research into stem cells from fatty tissue dates back to over a century ago. Various scientists have conducted a large number of studies in cooperation with renowned academic institutions and clinics since then. The results show that stem cells from fatty tissue open up new therapeutic potential for us.
Important publications and references on modern stem cell therapy with autologous stem cells from adipose tissue:—————————————
1. Freitag J, Bates D, Wickham J et al (2019) Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. RegenMed 14:213–230.https://
2. Lu L, Dai C, Zhang Z et al (2019) Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with intra-articularinjection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells: a prospective, randomized, double-blind,active-controlled,phaseIIbclinical trial.Stem Cell Res Ther. s13287-019-1248-3
3. Lee WS, Kim HJ, Kim KI, Kim GB, Jin W (2019) Intra Articular Injection of Autologous Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Phase IIb, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Stem Cells Transl Med8(6):504–511.
4. Zhao X, Ruan J, Tang H et al (2019) Multicompositional MRI evaluation of repair cartilage in knee osteoarthritis with treatment of allogeneic humanadipose-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. s13287-019-1406-7
5. Pers Y-M, Rackwitz L, Ferreira R et al (2016) Adipose mesenchymal stromal cell-based therapy for severe osteoarthritis of the knee: a phase I dose escalation trial. Stem Cells Transl Med5:847–856.
6. Kuah D, Sivell S, Longworth T et al (2018) Kuah D, Sivell S, Longworth T et al (2018) Safety, tolerability and efficacy of intra-articular progenza in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled single ascending dose study. J Transl Med.
7. Zheping Hong Jihang Chen, Shuijun Zhang. Intra-articular injection of autologous adipose-derived stromal vascular fractions for knee osteoarthritis: a double-blind randomized self-controlled trial International Orthopaedics (2019) 43:1123–1134
8. Carlo Dall’Oca, Stefano Breda, Nicholas Elena, Roberto Valentini, Elena Manuela Samaila, Bruno Magnan. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Injection in Hip Osteoarthritis: Preliminary Results. Acta Biomed. 2019 Jan 10;90(1-S):75-80. doi: 10.23750/abm.v90i1-S.8084.
9. Mardones R, Jofré CM, Tobar L, Minguell JJ. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2017 Mar 19;4(2):159-163. doi:10.1093/jhps/hnx011.
10. Solvig Diederichs Wiltrud Richter. Stammzelltherapie Was unterscheidet expandierte Zellen, Fettgewebsaufbereitungen und Knochenmarkaspirate? Arthroskopie 2020 Bd. 33 Seiten 67-70
11. GE Winnier, C Alt, EU Alt et al. Isolation of adipose tissue derived regenerative cells from human subcutaneous tissue with or without the use of an enzymatic reagent. PLOS ONE | September 3, 2019
12. Eckhard U. Alt, Glenn Winnier, Alexander Haenel, Ralf Rothoerl, Oender Solakoglu, Christopher Alt, Christoph Schmitz, (A comprehensive understanding of UA-ADRCs (uncultured, autologous, fresh, unmodified, adipose derived regenerative cells, isolated at point of care) in regenerative medicine. Cells 2020 Apr 29;9(5).
13. Hurd JL, Alt C, Alt EU et al. Safety and efficacy of treating symptomatic, partialthickness rotator cuff tear with fresh, uncultured, unmodified, autologous adipose derived regenerative cells (UA-ADRCs) isolated at point of care: a prospective, randomized, controlled first-in-human pilot study J Orthop Surg Res. 2020 Mar 30;15(1):122. doi: 10.1186/s13018-020-01631-8.
14. Koh YG, Kwon OR, Kim YS, Choi YJ (2014) Comparative outcomes of open-wedge high tibial osteotomy with platelet-rich plasma alone or in combination with mesenchymal stem cell treatment: a prospective study. Arthroscopy 30:1453-60
15. Koh YG, Choi YJ, Kwon SK, Kim YS, Yeo JE (2015) Clinical results and second-look arthroscopic findings after treatment with adipose-derived stem cells for knee osteoarthritis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 23:1308–1316
16. Vangsness CT Jr, Farr J 2nd, Boyd J, Dellaero DT, Mills CR, LeRoux-Williams M (2014) Adult human mesenchymal stem cells delivered via intra-articular injection to the knee following partial medial meniscectomy: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study. J Bone Jt Surg Am 96:90–98
17. Eder C, Schmidt-Bleek K, Geissler S, Sass FA, Maleitzke T, Pumberger M, Perka C, Duda GN, Winkler T. Mesenchymal stromal cell and bone marrow concentrate therapies for musculoskeletal indications: a concise review of current literature. Mol Biol Rep. 2020 Jun;47(6):4789-4814. doi: 10.1007/s11033-020-05428-0. Epub 2020 May 25.